Why should we be proud of being Indian?

Every member of a family have to know about the greatness of their family and feel proud to be a part of the family. In the same way, we Indians should know about our first home, the first family INDIA and it’s our duty to know about our nation and say out proudly “I am an Indian”.

Principles and culture:

Indian culture and civilization are one of the oldest civilization, even our scriptures in Sanskrit (The Vedas) are many years old nearly 500 BCE. Indian principles and culture are very intricately designed and it helps one individual to lead a happy and contented life with dharma. It is a country where even footwear was given respect as the same that of a king that wears them (Sri Rama’s padukaas were worshipped as king and the Ayodhya was ruled on their name by bharata). Our epics Mahabharata, Ramayana together represents the whole practical world and it’s people, their characters, circumstances etc., clearly, these epics will help one to realize and act in their life. If you see through history even there are many empires within India fighting each other

India as a banyan tree..

To explain how far India has contributed to the world, we can use the banyan tree. A banyan tree is huge spreading its branches wide and broad and roots deep to the ground, In the same way, India has rooted deep through its principles and had contributed to the world in many fields.


Coming to science, our sages also called as rishis had made many inventions and discoveries in the field of medicine, astrology, mathematics and more.


We have Ayurveda, the oldest way of medication with no side-effects as the new ways have. It is treated using herbs and leaves of special plants according to the illness which is pure natural. We have great writings like charaka samhita,  writings from shushruta etc., Ayurveda is now again came into existance after mankind had suffered a lot from the side effects og the new medication we use. “ We never get to know the importance of what we have unless/untill we get to know that every one finds it good”.


From India there are many mathematicians who even changed the way the world count. Aryabhatta the inventor of “0”(zero) had changed the mathematics of the whole planet. It also helped the computer invention.


Indian had a vast and amazing contribution towards astrology since ancient times. Just think how they could say that earth (bhudevi) is in a spherical form as mentioned in our epics during the times when there is no telescope invented. They could also estimate and calculate when full moon, eclipse come after thousands of years with accuracy.

Seva / values:

We have references in history about greatkings, sages, even poor people who served the society a lot. The ancient scriptures also teach us the best values and principles for a leader, citizen, teacher etc.,

Vedas are the root of our culture and our way of living they are the greatest and idle  scriptures which are followed and worshipped by everyone with or without knowing.

These are some root reason I am proud to be an Indian.